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Damaged Fremantle Highway Presents Challenges

Freighter Salvage Operation Commences in Eemshaven

Damaged Fremantle Highway Presents Challenges

Recovery Timeline Remains Uncertain

After being towed to Eemshaven harbor, the charred remains of the Fremantle Highway are now the focus of a massive salvage operation. The top four decks of the vessel have suffered extensive damage, making access difficult, according to the head of the salvage team.

The salvage operation commenced immediately following the ship's arrival, but it remains unclear how long it will take to recover the cargo onboard. The Fremantle Highway is scheduled to remain in the harbor until October 14, providing a narrow window for the salvage efforts.

Volkswagen, whose vehicles were among the cargo ablaze on the Fremantle Highway, has expressed concern about the delays in accessing the remains. The company is eager to determine the extent of the damage and recover the vehicles, which are destined for dealerships in various parts of the world.
